Distributors National and International


Schröter & Lausen
Handelsgesellschaft für Messtechnik mbH
Schirick 12
41751 Viersen
E-Mail: kontakt@schroeter-lausen.de
Phone: 02162/ 897 692 0
Fax: 02162/ 897 692 8
messwelk GmbH
Strietwaldstraße 24
63801 Kleinostheim
E-Mail: contact@remove-this.messwelk.de
Phone: 06027/ 50 03-0
Fax: 06027/ 50 03-50

DIATEST Schober GmbH
Max-Eyth-Straße 36
72649 Wolfschlugen
E-Mail: info@remove-this.diatest-schober.de
Phone: 07022/ 52816
Fax: 07022/ 54921
Herbert Mei GmbH
Techn. Lehrmittel und Messgeräte m. Reparaturdienst
Sandbühl 10
78736 Epfendorf a. Neckar
E-Mail: mei.gmbh@remove-this.t-online.de
Phone: 07404/ 91 05 21
Fax: 07404/ 27 99
Walter Ruff GmbH
Heerenholz 9
28307 Bremen
E-Mail: mail@remove-this.praeziruff.de
Phone: 0421/ 438 78-0
Fax: 0421/ 438 78-22
Technisches Büro und Vertrieb
Gutsgrenze 4
90547 Stein
E-Mail: advotechnik@remove-this.t-online.de
Phone: 0911/ 683554
Fax: 0911/ 718937
Nikolay Marinow ET  


SMS Steen Metrology Systems
Rue T. Gerkens, 74
B-4052 Chaudfontaine
E-Mail: sales@remove-this.smsbenelux.be
Phone: +32 (04) 368 7080
Fax: +32 (04) 368 7560



Karvaamokuja 6
FI-00380 Helsinki
E-Mail: knorring@remove-this.knorring.fi
Phone: +358 9-56041
Fax: +358 9-5652463


PMS Becus Métrologie
546 Avenue des Amaranches
ZAC Ecotec
F-74460 MARNAZ
E-Mail : com4@pms-becus.com
Tel.: +33 (0) 4 50  982 905
Fax: +33 (0) 4 50 987 425


     United Kingdom

Metrology & Quality Services Ltd (MQS)
23 Brindley Road
Bayton Road Industrial Estate
Coventry, West Midlands
CV7 9 EP United Kingdom
E-Mail: sales@remove-this.mqs.co.uk
Tel.: +44 (0) 2476644661



PRIMAtek S.r.l.
Via Einstein 67/67a
I-40017 San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)
E-Mail: info@remove-this.primatek.it
Phone: +39 051 687 1157



W.J. Roelofs Meetinstrumenten B.V.
Kernreactorstraat 42
NL-3903 LG Veenendaal
E-Mail : info@remove-this.roelofsmeetinstrumenten.nl
Phone: +31 (318) 521580
Fax: +31 (318) 529301
MuRaad B.V.
Bouwstraat 3
NL-7483 PE Haaksbergen
E-Mail: info@remove-this.muraad.nl
Tel.: +31 53 572 9245


HTS verktoy A.S.
Ing. Rybergsgt. 97
NO-3027 Drammen
E-Mail: hts@remove-this.htsverktoy.no
Phone: +47 32 99 09 00
Fax: +47 32 99 09 01


Wanzel Handels- und Projektmanagement GmbH
Wagramer Str. 173/D
A-1220 Wien
E-Mail: wanzel@remove-this.wanzel.com
Phone: +43 (0)1 2593616
Fax: +43 (0)1 2593617


PHU Faktor Piotr Pachczynski
ul. Jagiellonska 26
PL-64-800 Chodziez
E-Mail: faktor@remove-this.faktor.net.pl
Phone: +48 67-282-86-80
Fax: +48 67-282-86-90


Micron Aires Roque Junior LDA
Rua Augusto Torneira 39, B-Ordem
Ap. 243
P-2430-386 Marinha Grande
E-Mail: geral@remove-this.micron-arj.com
Phone: +351 244-575130
Fax: +351 244-575131


Avram Iancu 86
RO-505600 Sacele-Brasov
E-Mail: info@remove-this.inmaacro.com
Phone: +40 368 443500
Fax: +40 368 443501
Technotest  Solutions SRL
Contact person: Dumitrescu Sorin
Sector 2
Aleea Avrig Nr 8, SC. A, Bloc P19BIS, AP 61
RO-021582 Bucuresti
E-Mail: technotestsolutions@remove-this.yahoo.ro
Phone: +40 21 252 6809
Mobil: +40 743031595
Fax: +40 21 252 6809


Promcontrol LLC
Rossiyskaya street 63-a
RUS-454006 Chelyabinsk
E-Mail: info@remove-this.promcontrol.ru
Phone: +7 351 7299488
Fax: +7 351 7299488
Prizma Ltd.
Sedova str. 65
RUS-192171 Saint-Petersburg
E-Mail: prizmaimport@remove-this.mail.ru
Phone: +7 812-309-48-81


KmK Instrument AB
Regattagatan 8a
S-723 48 Västeras
E-Mail: service@remove-this.kmk-instrument.se
Phone: +46 21-150 160


Züricherstrasse 133
CH-8952 Schlieren
E-Mail: info@remove-this.taff-tool.com
Phone: +41 (0)56 418 11 11
Fax: +41 (0)56 418 11 12


Metrologia Y Ensayos
Ofelia Nieto, 67
E-28039 Madrid
E-Mail: isocontrol@remove-this.isocontrol.es
Phone: +34 91 450 39 63
Fax: +34 91 450 3975

Czech Republic

Prima Bilavcik, s.r.o.
9 kvetna 1182
CZ-68801 Uhersky Brod
E-Mail: info@remove-this.primab.cz
Phone: +420 572 632 561
Fax: +420 572 637 185


Medián L+G Méréstechnikai BT.
Szel u. 17
HU-1035 Budapest
E-Mail: medianlg@remove-this.medianlg.hu
Phone: +36 1 3881059
Fax: +36 1 3884028



Rustaveli str. 39
UKR-61001 Kharkiv  

E-Mail:  sales@remove-this.microtech-ua.com
Phone: +38 (057) 739-03-50



Beijing Islive Machinery and Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd.
Room 603, Ocean Business Center, No. 61
Balizhuang Xili, Chaoyang District
100025 Beijing, China
E-Mail: islive@remove-this.126.com
Phone: +86-10-85865481/ 85865482
Fax: +86-10-85865483
Dantsin Technologies Ltd.
A2105 Dongyu Building (Di San Zhi Ye)
Shuguang Xili Jia 1#, Chaoyang District
Beijing 100028, China P.R.C.
E-Mail: info@remove-this.dantsin.cn
Phone: +86 10 5822 0390/1/2/3/4/5
Fax: +86-10-5822 0398


Shanghai Protool Trade Co. Ltd
Gauges & Metrology Equipment
City of Shanghai,
Jia Ding District,
He Xuan Road.
Lane No. 58, Block 7, Room 831
Shanghai 201803, China.

E-Mail: sales@remove-this.protool.net.cn
Tel.: +86 21 5219 9029



Hemant Tools Pvt. Ltd.
B/2, 909 Marathon Innova,
G B Kadam Marg,
Near Peninsula Park, Lower Parel,
Mumbai 400013
E-Mail: info@remove-this.hemanttools.co.in
Phone: +91 22 61533333
Cimworks Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Vivit Dalal - Managing Director
207, A wing, Hamilton, Hiranandani Business Park,
Hiranandani Estate, Ghodbunder Road, Thane (W)
400 607 Mumbai
E-Mail:  vivit.dalal@remove-this.cimworks.in
Phone: + 91 (0)22 40969555

202 Vasudha Equinox
Bopodi, Pune 411 003

E-Mail: contact@remove-this.trimaster.in
Tel.: +91 77670 14764


Environment Energy CO. LTD
3-6-7, Shinkiba, Koto-ku
Tokyo 1360082 Japan
E-Mail: iijima@remove-this.kankyo-energy.jp
Tel.: +81 90-3401-9193


GTS Korea Co., Ltd.
14, Woni-daero 178beon-gil
Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam 641-813
E-Mail: gtskorea@remove-this.mahrkorea.co.kr
Phone: +82 55 288 2914
Fax: +82 55 288 2737


Microrep Precision (M) SDN BHD
No. 59, Jlan 16/155C, Bandar Baru Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E-Mail: sales@remove-this.microrep.info
Phone: +60 03 89940678
Fax: +60 03 89940679


Protool & Gauge (Penang) Sdn Bhd
Gauges & Metrology Equipment
17-1, Lebuh Pekaka 1,
Sungai Dua,
11700 Penang

Email: sales@remove-this.protool.com.my
Tel.: +603 5191 9357



Protool Engineering Ent. Pte. Ltd
Blk 2020 Bukit Batok Street 23,
#02-248/250, Singapore 659525  

E-Mail: sales@remove-this.protool.com.sg
Tel.: +65-6563 9767


      Sri Lanka

Rotax Ltd.
No. 332, Galle Road
Colombo - 04
E-Mail: info@remove-this.rotaxltd.com
Phone: + 94 115 574 081
Fax: + 94 112 587 286



MTC-Mercury Trading Co., Ltd.
11F, No. 356, Sec.5,, Nanking East Rd., Taipei
Taiwan, R.O.C.
E-Mail: mtctrade@remove-this.ms2.hinet.net
Phone: +886 (2) 2742 1118
Fax: +886 (2) 2742 5855
MTC-Mercury Trading Co., Ltd.
No. 78, Choungde 11th Road, Beitun District, taichung
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Phone: +886 (4) 2422 1980
Fax: +886 (4) 2422 1990



Max Value Technology Co., Ltd.
261 Onnuch 17 Yak 16, Sukhumvit 77 Road
Suanluang, Bangkok 10250

E-Mail: sales@remove-this.maxvalue.co.th
Tel.: +66 2 717 7199
Fax: +66 2 3002272


Protool (Thailand) Co. Ltd
Gauges & Metrology Equipment
Nirvana@Work Kaset-Nawamin,
343/41 Khlong Lam Chiak Road,
Kwang Nuanchan,
Khet Bueng Kum,
Bangkok 10230

E-Mail: sales@remove-this.protool.th.com
Tel.: +66 2354 0111



AZE Otomasyon Egitim ve Danismanlik Anonim Sirketi
Aydinli Mahallesi BILMO Sanayi Sitesi No: 43
34953 Tuzla Istanbul

E-Mail: info@remove-this.azeotomasyon.com
Phone:+ 90 (216) 621 2112



Tecotec Group
2nd Floor, CT3A Building, Me Tri, Nam Tu Liem dist.
Hanoi, Vietnam

E-Mail: hanoi@remove-this.tecotec.com.vn / info@remove-this.tecostore.vn
Phone: +84 243 576 3500




South Africa

Trimos-Sylvac S.A. (PTY) Ltd.
P.O. Box 95672
Waterkloof 0145
Pretoria RSA
E-Mail: trimosyl@remove-this.netactive.co.za
Phone: +27 (0) 12 661 4161
Fax: +27 (0) 12 661 1124



Import Export and Commercial Agent
7th Ibn El Nafees St. Makrem Ebied
Naser City, Cairo

E-Mail: info@mtc-egypt.com
Tel.: +20226709100



Slone Gear International, Inc.
PO Box 292582
Kettering, OH 45429-2582
E-Mail: sales@remove-this.slonegear.com
Phone: +1 507-401-4327

Steinmeyer Inc.
14 Henshaw Street
Woburn, MA 01801
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
E-Mail: infoUSA@remove-this.steinmeyer.com
Tel.: +1-781-273-6220


Larjac Comercio, Importacao e Exportacao
de Maquinas e Servicos LTDA
Rua Alzira Fett Martins, 232
03266-180 Sao Paulo
E-Mail: comercial@larjac.com.br
Phone: +55 (11) 97465 2133


Larjac Comercio, Importacao e Exportacao
de Maquinas e Servicos LTDA
Rua Alzira Fett Martins, 232
03266-180 Sao Paulo
E-Mail: comercial@larjac.com.br
Phone: +55 (11) 97465 2133


Larjac Comercio, Importacao e Exportacao
de Maquinas e Servicos LTDA
Rua Alzira Fett Martins, 232
03266-180 Sao Paulo
E-Mail: comercial@larjac.com.br
Phone: +55 (11) 97465 2133


Calprec, S.A. de C.V.
Guadalupe Victoria #231-26
Fraccionamiento los Cedros
C.P. 52154 Metepec, Edo. de México
E-Mail: calprec@remove-this.outlook.com
Phone: +52 (722) 2128016
Meyer V., S.A. de C.V.
Pino Suárez 131, Col. Casa Blanca
52140 Metepec, Edo. de Mex.
E-Mail: info@remove-this.meyerv.com.mx
Phone: +52-722-134-9435